Monday, January 17, 2011

The Wisdom of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Martin Luther King Jr. has long been one of the few historical figures whom I've always felt an intense respect for.  Even as a child, I can remember fighting back the tears in class as I learned of him.  I was in awe of how beautifully he spoke with such a combination of grace and power.  His courage and unwavering non-violence got my attention, and inspired me.  He served as a much needed role-model for me at one time.  Now, although I have stopped searching for guidance outside of myself, MLK Jr. remains a most enlightened and wise person whom I am encouraged by to this day.

I have chosen four of my favorite quotes from this lovely man.  Each one convinces me that MLK Jr. had an understanding of The Principles.  I am aware, of course, that he knew nothing of "The Three Principles" as I am speaking of, but he knew about their essence.  These quotes I've chosen seem to speak to the insights and/or experience that I've had as I've come to understand mind, thought, & consciousness

"Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase."
Sometimes, this is the hardest part.  Faith...having faith in something because you feel it.  Many would not consider it.  Others take a path of carefully planned tests of faith.  In this way, they never really have to notice their fearful thinking or control issues.  It is only for the brave and courageous of us, to leap into the unknown because we feel it is the right thing to do.  I say, "not guts, no glory".  How can you get what you want when you do not go for it with your actions? 
To much time is spent by to many of us doing "what is right" or "what we're supposed to."  It stops the masses from experiencing and realizing that when you follow the insights from your own mind, you are absolutely on the right path.  Things like prosperity, abundance, success, etc will come with it...not everything can or should be planned.  I promise you...but that doesn't matter, you'll have to just take the first step of faith.
A story: In my work as a counselor I was very insecure and nervous about teaching The Principles to my clients at first.  I knew in my own life, that this understanding had opened me up to a different kind of existence where I had clarity, peace of mind, and a new-found excitement for life.  So, it wasn't a question of whether I believed that The Principles could help those who came to me for relief.  Instead, I was focused on my supervisors and colleagues...paperwork and meetings...expectations and personal insecurities.  I gradually began to discuss mind, though & consciousness with some of my clients.  The results were similar to the ones that I had felt personally.  Soon, I found myself at a cross-roads.  I either needed to focus on The Principles 100%, which was what my mind was telling me to do, or I'd have to settle for less than what felt right in my work.  I'm proud to say that I took that leap of the faith and I am continuing to do so today.  Regardless of whatever insecurities my personal thinking can conjure up, I am not focusing on that.  Instead I am starting my own business, marketing myself to people I used to be intimidated by, and enjoying the ride!  I don't need to know where the ride will take me anymore...I'm too busy enjoying it!

"The time is always right to do what is right."
This is so true.  For me this quote speaks to consciousnessConsciousness refers to your awareness.  The point is that, you always have your mind guiding you and giving you answers and insights that are valuable and perfect for you.  There is now technique or way to tap into your mind, but there is a connection between it and your ability to be aware in the moment without personal thought distracting you.  Consciousness has levels and you move through them all of the time.  When you are at a high level of consciousness you may feel creative, in the zone or flow, in the now, clarity, quiet, etc.  When you are at a low level of consciousness you may feel overwhelmed, caught up in your thinking, stressed, frustrated, detached, etc.  It seems that MLK Jr. must ave lived in a pretty consistent state of high consciousness, because it is in this state that one can not only see what is right, but also give others the courage to see it for themselves.

"Occasionally in life there are those moments of unutterable fulfillment which cannot be completely explained by those symbols called words.  Their meanings can only be articulated by the inaudible language of the heart."
This is stated so eloquently that I can barely dare to comment.  So much of the power behind gaining an understanding of mind, thought, & consciousness

"If we are to go forward, we must go back and rediscover those precious values-that all reality hinges on moral foundations and that all reality has spiritual control."
To me this is a way of pointing out how we are all connected.  We all share these same Principles, that explain our experience of our reality.  I very rarely speak about The Principles in spiritual terms, although I am fully aware of their spiritual nature.  This is because I have a natural connection in my brain between religion and spirituality.  I also have some negative memories related to religion, so the whole picture has the potential to get skewed for me.  However, I do believe in my own spiritual existence and I do know that there are many things that I cannot explain, yet I don't need to, because they are simply true to me.  I see this truth in myself, in others, in animals, in all of us. 
According to MLK Jr. we are to go back to the simplest ideas of goodness.  To me this is what we all are at our essence.  We all have something that I'm calling mind, but you can call it whatever you want.  How else, but in spiritual terms, can you explain something that we all have innate and equal access to, that gives us insights and direction in life...if only we listen.  This is not intelligence, retained knowledge, or memories.  This is something that is bigger than us, yet it is is ours and every one's. It is mystical, and beautiful...and if MLK Jr. couldn't define it with perfect clarity for you, than I'm not even going to try!

Here's to the late Martin Luther King Jr...may we all be encouraged to have faith, do what's right, and believe in that which no words can describe.

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