Do you remember the last time you observed something that moved you?...
Then you know we are all the same, except some of us are brave enough to live the truth...right out loud!
I have many memories of knowing that I had stepped away from speaking the truth...from utilizing my own wisdom. Yet, I decided to not speak up.
None of this makes sense to me later. Not after my justifications are stale. I wasn't at my best. I was overwhelmed...confused. Excuses!
The truth...I was thinking my way out of acting. I was thinking instead of listening, as we all do...innocently squashing our own potential.
I'm sure this is why people love babies and animals. They are simple, pure, at their naturally healthy state. They operate from their mind...their mind, not their personal thought system. They are present with you.
People...average people, find their way here. Sometimes after life threatening or miraculous experiences. Some people never loose sight of what is innate to them, as though they never loose their child-like ways. Some people learn to rely on themselves through some state of awful experiences, and this serves them well...the old souls among us. These are the people that move us...that stop our our thinking.
But, they move us because we see something familiar. We recognize ourselves in them. We believe, if just for a second, that we too can be this conscious.
I write about this, because I know this. I know something about all of us that makes standing in awe of someone else not enough anymore (although it's always an honor to observe other people's power and beauty). They have what I have AND I have what they have. I know longer wish to fool myself or look for answers outside of myself.
I know three things, and they're all related. Three becomes one:
1. Thought: My thoughts are mine. I make them. I make them real. I also dismiss them. This happens constantly...(story time)...I once thought daily about how easy my life would be if I could just rob a bank without getting caught or hurting anyone. I would conjure up this thought most days when I drove by the bank and this happened for about three years. Yet, I never once took this thought seriously...never once. It stayed a thought with no power and no livelihood.
2. Mind: I have wisdom..instinct...intuition (fill in whatever word you appreciate) at my access at all times. I've worked hard with my thinking to muffle it, at times...the true definition of suffering and mental illness. Yet, it is there for me endlessly, and it is always 100% right on. Always bringing the best feelings with it. Always powerful, yet graceful.
3. Consciousness: I know that I am capable of different levels of level of consciousness fluctuates. My mood changes despite a lack of change in my outside world. I've been the same place many times and experienced it differently, more vividly sometimes. Other times, I 'm only aware of myself. This affects my whole experience of life. This is really an indicator of how I'm using thinking and mind...not an indicator of how my life is going in my outside world.
Knowing these three things changes all things.
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