I enjoy looking at all things in terms of the Three Principles (Mind, Thought & Consciousness), because they are everywhere for us to observe.
Mr. Einstein is a favorite of mine, because he mastered the use of simotaneous Mind & intellectual Thought. A true genious and scientifically before his time...quoted as saying:
"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He (she) to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his (her) eyes are closed."
Again he meshes the worlds of the mystical with the scientific, saying: "Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love."
This wisdom..this joy for life, is what I'm pointing to when I experience life with an understanding of the Three Principles.
There is something deeper to the psychological experience that has made Psychology a soft science thus far. No theory could offer reliable, positive results. No psychological laws existed. Mind, Thought & Consciousness are the three scientific principles that change all that! They explain all human behavior...behavior is, after all, just a reaction to our own thoughts and how seriously we take them at any given time. These Three Principles offer mental health to all who listen.
To understand the psyche...or psychology of the soul...we must first acknowledge that we are dealing with a scientific entity that is abstract, and thus, hard to articulate clearly.
Mind, Thought & Consciousness speak to that spiritual, soulful, center, core part of us that is our essence. We all know of it...call it by whatever name you like...and we rarely speak of it.
The bridge between science and spiritual wisdom can be understood when one grasps the simplicity that when you choose your thoughts from a quiet mind, you automatically receive higher consciousness (aka a better experience), rather than the experience you have from your personal thought system...a place that may become insecure at any time.
Einstein reminds me to have faith in the mystical, cuz that's where the good stuff is...Don't miss it...Slow down!
Story Time: I walked on quickly last week in my neighborhood. I saw an older woman ahead, slowly strolling up the street. She walked leaning forward with hands clasped behind her back. This instantly reminded me of my grandmother and how she stood in her last years. This forward tilting, yet proper stance looked so wise, and I knew I must say hello. We chatted, she's 80 and can't walk any faster...I'm 36 and always rushing to get everything done...can't walk fast enough. We took a moment to smile and laugh. The next thing I realized was that my day was seeming quite wonderful. The experience of slowing down with her was all it took to help me arrive at my day rather than rush through it.
So simple, when you give yourself a chance to recalibrate, that's exactly what happens. I could have chosen to ignore the idea to chat with her, but I didn't. This little change in my plan set the mood for the rest of my day...Now you try!!!
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